*{currency} = BTC, ETH
//Sample Response { "result_code":"000", "data":{ "volume":"721.00215101", "max_price":"698.261", "close_price":"692.864", "min_price":"651.332", "sell_price":"692.864", “timestamp":"1525742630342", "currency":"ETH", "avg_price":"661.332", "buy_price":"690", "open_price":"672.112" } }
Key | Description |
result_code | Result status value (normal: 000) |
open_price | First transaction amount within the last 24 hours (market price) |
close_price | Last transaction amount within the last 24 hours (closing price) |
min_price | Lowest transaction amount within the last 24 hours (low price) |
max_price | Highest transaction amount within the last 24 hours (high price) |
sell_price | Current unfinished lowest selling price |
buy_price | Current unfinished highest buying price |
avg_price | Average transaction amount within the last 24 hours |
volume | Currency trading volume within the last 24 hours |
currency | Currency Symbol |
timestamp | Current Time |{currency}
*{currency} = BTC, ETH, BCH, XRP, SGC, BTG, DASH, LTC, QTUM
//Sample Response { "result_code":"000", "data":{ "timestamp":1525828419342, "order_currency":"ETH", "payment_currency":"USD", "list":[{ "bids_quantity":"19.85", "asks_quantity":"27.89479323", "asks_price":"692.864", "bids_price":"690" }, { "bids_quantity":"7.3262", "asks_quantity":"5.113548", "asks_price":"693", "bids_price":"689.136" }, ... ], } }
Key | Description |
result_code | Result status value (normal: 000) |
order_currency | Order coin unit |
payment_currency | Payment coin unit |
bids_quantity | Purchase quantity |
asks_quantity | Sales quantity |
asks_price | Sales transaction amount |
bids_price | Purchase transaction amount |
timestamp | Current Time |{currency}
*{currency} = BTC, ETH
//Sample Response { "result_code":"000", "data":{ "list":[ { "transaction_date":"2018-04-30 14:12:41", "currency_amount":"0.005", "total_price":"47.08", "currency_price":"9416.39", "transaction_type":"ask" }, { "transaction_date":"2018-04-30 14:12:41", "currency_amount":"0.00128388", "total_price":"12.096", "currency_price":"9421.39", "transaction_type":"bid" }, ... ], } }
Key | Description |
result_code | Result status value (normal: 000) |
transaction_date | Transaction Deal Time |
currency_amount | Transaction quantity |
total_price | 1currency transaction amount |
currency_price | Total transaction amount |
transaction_type | Transaction classification (sales: ask, purchase: bid) |